Monday, September 1, 2014

September Currently

Hey there, everyone! I feel like I've been a leaf swept away in the wind. "Teacher Summer" has ended and we've been in school for 3 weeks already! 3 WEEKS, like a month practically. Luckily, even though I feel tossed around a bit, I have the stability of reading so many of your CURRENTLY posts, I thought, "Why not give it a whirl, Allison?" 

So here I am linking up with the five star creator, Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade, for the September Currently. First.Time.Ever. (Evvvaa). 

LISTENING: I am a windows open kind of girl. Especially, the crisp fall air. I also love birds and rain showers, so this morning is a blend of all three! Which reminds me, I also need to blend some coffee and hear that brewing next. 

LOVING: Signs that fall is coming! I love everything about the season! ---There is an annual festival in the town next to mine that I have have frequented my whole life. Like baby in a stroller wearing a bonnet. Haha. (Thanks parents who took pictures to prove it. Sentimental is the way I live, so I visited the festival yesterday. Even though the crowds were immense, craft booths were filled, and people were cutting so much in line it would make my 2nd graders cry...I still loved it. Especially the food!!

THINKING: This is my very first Currently. I can remember before I tried my typing fingers at blogging, I would read countless Currently posts wishing I could make one somehow. I am filled with excitement that I am linking up with so many of you to share! 

WANTING: This year I have been blessed with a planning partner in the 2nd grade hallway. She taught school when I went there, but hasn't taught 2nd for some time. So twice a week we stay late and plan the next week. (We joke that if we are wearing the same clothes the next day, our colleagues can infer where we slept.) This time and her company have been a God send. I still take work home nightly; however, the weekends are not as consumed as last year.
What a typical planning night looks like.

NEEDING: This whole summer, I worked on refocusing my life. I knew if I "trained" during the summer, these practices and mind-sets would be easier to have during the school year. Recently many of my devotions and readings have been about being at peace within yourself, giving generously, and being thankful in everything. Thus, why I pray whole-heartedly to keep taking steps to outlive my life.

1. In high school, I took Spanish thinking I would use it more than French. Guess where I went in high school? Yeah, Paris. The teacher who taught French is very dear to me, so I would love to learn from her and revisit the captivating city. 
2. My IG friends have been such a blessing to me, that I just want to drive or fly to where they are and hang out for a day or two. With many blogger-meet-ups happening, I am so tempted to just hop in the car Friday and be back to teach Monday.
3. I didn't really get to go on a vacation this summer which is all right, but if I could have, I would have gone to TN or the Carolinas, PA or CO, anywhere with the smell of pine trees, the look out of mountains, and the comfort of a cabin.

CURRENTLY: I am thankful that you took a moment to step into my life. Thank you.
